
Things 1-4...Better Late Than Never!

Finally getting started. I've always enjoyed the idea of blogging, but didn't begin until this past May. Then Maryland 23 Things popped up, giving me another chance to learn and play with this format. When I read the pointers, the easiest for me is 7 1/2: Play! Be Curious! Read! I do this naturally. Probably hardest for me is beginning with the end in mind, because my nature is to jump from one idea to the next as it interests me, rather like the style of the Net, with hyperlinks to go to and fro.

I selected a design for this blog, registered it, put on a couple of items, including the time-wasting Sudoku with 5 levels of difficulty, and then stopped to take care of some health issues. So now's the time to catch up! Beware the big eyeball, which is actually a photograph of a section of a rock - it's been known to act like Mad Eye Moody's every now and then, and Halloween is fast approaching!

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