
Thing 8 - RSS feeds, Bloglines

Who ever said Really Simple Syndication is really simple? Great and efficient technology, but it can lead to an excess of information to try and keep up with. I set up 11 feeds to start with, and one of them, Engadget, posts about 30-40 new items daily! Sometimes by the time I finish reading the latest feeds, presto, a new one has shown up.

Newsreaders are excellent aggregators of information. The one thing they can never do is give you the time to take advantage of all the information that you can set them up to feed you. Granted, some feeds are probably temporary, done for a specific task or project, then no longer useful. Maybe it's just my problem of being intrigued by so many topics that are so easily gathered by RSS that gives me pause about using it. Simply put, it's too easy to get sucked into subscribing to a hundred different feeds of interest.

If you'd like to check my blogroll (before it gets too large), go to: www.bloglines.com/public/prakashsteve. It's a mix of library news, tech news, and photography news.

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