
Thing 14 - Technorati

Technorati has changed a bit since the original instructions for Thing 14 were posted, so it took a while longer to figure out where to go to be able to search "learning 2.0" as a keyword search, tag search, and blog directory search (now you need to go into advanced searc instead of using a pulldown menu from the front page - a step backwards in my view). It makes sense that a tag search would generate tons more hits that searching blog directories or names. Using the tag option, I got over 26,000 hits, versus around 670 for both the blog directory and name searches. Tags are very useful, and allow you to find a plethora of new blogs covering your interests. Agqain, way too much information out there as we close in on 100 million blogs!

I did "claim" my two blogs, and I put a Technorati button on both sites if you want to "favorite" either. They are tagged appropriately for each subject. Mistakenly, I didn't put in a tag labeled "mdlearn2", so I'll have to go back and fix that.

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