
Things 5 & 7- Flickr Burning Man 2007, Tech Talk

I saw this cool retro wooden telescope while checking out pix on Flickr. I've always enjoyed seeing what people come up with out in the desert during this celebration, and I've always been an avid starwatcher, so this caught my eye.

It reminded me of something I saw recently on a tech site called Tom's Hardware Guide (THG), where they had a competition for building the most outrageous custom computer modification (called "modding"). There were some really cool ones made with wooden cases. I think it would be just perfect as an adjunct to this scope!

Here are a couple of examples:

The Sangaku Japanese Style Wooden PC Case Mod by Nicholas Falzone, featured as the finest Wooden PC Case Mod Ever.

The website these photos came from, http://www.ecogeek.org/content/view/62/1/, said of this rig: The most spectacular example of a complete wooden desktop setup we've come across was created by Russian master carpenters in Moscow. The case, monitor, mouse, and keyboard were all hand crafted. And they'll do one for you too but “To be honest we do not have the cheapest masters in Moscow,” so be ready for the a fairly high estimate.

I bet!!! I love the look of these, they remind me of TVs in the "old days".

1 comment:

Loupiote said...

if you want to include copyrighted photos in your blog, it would be nice to ask for permission. taking without asking is called stealing, when the photo is copyrighted.

-- Tristan Savatier